of the game of chess造句


  1. Throughout his life, he displayed an interest and talent for almost every aspect of the game of chess.
  2. Indeed, I can't think of another movie that more fluently communicates the special agony and ecstasy of the game of chess.
  3. :The object of the game of Chess is to checkmate the opponent's king by placing it under threat of capture ( " check " ) which cannot be avoided.
  4. With p . 165, vol . 2, of the "'1821 "'edition of A New Treatise of the Game of Chess the term Muzio Gambit was coined by Jacob Henry Sarratt.
  5. The " Shahnameh " goes on to offer an apocryphal account of the origins of the game of chess in the story of Talhand and Gav, two half-brothers who vie for the throne of Hind ( India ).
  6. It's difficult to find of the game of chess in a sentence. 用of the game of chess造句挺难的
  7. The initial statute outlined the fundamental objectives of the association including amongst others the popularisation of the game of chess and general organization of the chess movement in Poland, representation outside the country, coordination of the activities of clubs and regional associations as well as organization of individual and team tournaments and championships ( in different age categories ).


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